In Marta Centre You can get professional assistance and support in crisis situations
A social worker, psychologists, psychotherapists, lawyers and other specialists provide a broad range of services

In what situations can the MARTA Centre provide help and support?

If you are in an abusive relationship or have experienced violence - physical, emotional, sexual, economic, violent control or harassment. Threatening can also be a sign of violence.

If you have been the victim of sexual exploitation, labor exploitation, sham marriages or other forms of human trafficking.

We listen.
We help.
We work.
MARTA Panel Discussion During #CSW67

MARTA Panel Discussion During #CSW67

A panel discussion organized by MARTA took place at the NGO Forum and Civil Society Meeting in New York last week. The NGO forum took place from March 5-17 in parallel with the meeting of the 67th UN Commission on the Status of Women. At this event, the MARTA Center provided a safe space to hear the empowering stories of activists and...

2023. gada 22. marts Read more
Supporting Mental Health and Well-being of Youth Workers and Helping Professionals through non-formal educational tools
Youth programs

Supporting Mental Health and Well-being of Youth Workers and Helping Professionals through non-formal educational tools

The Erasmus+ “Heartland” Project has come to a close. "Heartland" was a unique initiative that combines outdoor experiential education, cultural mediation and mindfulness with art expression to help professionals build resilience and overcome challenges in their personal and professional lives. “Youth workers and...

2023. gada 20. marts Read more
CSW67: The abusive internet – Nordic and Baltic ways to prevent gender-based violence
Marta speaking

CSW67: The abusive internet – Nordic and Baltic ways to prevent gender-based violence

During the 67th UN Commission on the Status of Women, the head of MARTA Centre Iluta Lāce took part in an expert panel about technology-facilitated gender-based violence.You can watch the video from the discussion below:About the discussion:The Nordic and Baltic regions are two of the most digitalised regions in the world. In recent...

2023. gada 20. marts Read more
MARTA Center event within NGO CSW67 Forum
Marta speaking

MARTA Center event within NGO CSW67 Forum

Over the two weeks of the NGO CSW/NY - civil society gathering that runs parallel to the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) - organizes almost 800 events during the Forum that inform, engage and inspire grassroots efforts and advocacy needed to empower women and girls. This provides civil society organizations (CSOs) and activists...

2023. gada 3. marts Read more
Final event of the project Re-GROUP in Sofia
Youth programs

Final event of the project Re-GROUP in Sofia

On the 29th and the 30th of November, the final event of the project Re-GROUP was held in Sofia (Bulgaria). The event consisted of a public conference celebrated in the New Bulgarian University about the biggest problems young people face nowadays and how youth groups can help tackle them and a partner meeting to discuss the next steps...

2023. gada 22. janvāris Read more


Drosme rīkoties!

Dzimumā balstīta vardarbība ir globāla sabiedrības veselības problēma, kas ietekmē vienu no trīs sievietēm. Savukārt Latvijā viena no četrām sievietēm ir piedzīvojusi dzimumā balstītu vardarbību. Lai pārtrauktu šādas vardarbības ciklu, ir svarīgi iesaistīt jauniešus, kuri var kļūt par pārmaiņu...

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Projekts “Vietējo NVO kapacitātes celšana publisko pakalpojumu nodrošināšanā sievietēm un citām ievainojamām grupām lauku apvidos. Atbalsts Sieviešu Konsultatīvo grupu izveidei 7 pilotcentros.”

Projekta mērķis ir paaugstināt nevalstisko organizāciju kapacitāti valsts pakalpojumu nodrošināšanā sievietēm un citām iedzīvotāju grupām ievainojamās situācijās lauku apvidos Uzbekistānā un veicināt sieviešu konsultatīvo grupu izveidi 7 pilotvietās, valsts pakalpojumu centros. Projekts, kas tiek...

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Get involved by becoming a friend of MARTAs, a donor, giving your time and volunteering, and supporting the campaigns, values and ideals of MARTAs!

We educate

Every year, the MARTA Centre provides free consultations to more than 300 Latvian women and their children who have been victims of violence.

We help

All of the support and money donated to the MARTA Centre is used for a charitable purpose - to provide services to Latvian women in difficulty and their children.